Thursday, December 15, 2011

HAUL: Lia Sophia/Part 1

My mom's friend's girlfriend was having a Lia Sophia party (it's a party where they showcase their jewelry and you buy what you like, well, you technically don't HAVE to, but I wanted to! ;-) ) I did their Customer Save Plan where if you purchase two things at full price, you get to choose another piece of jewelry for half price. So, I just thought I'd share what I got with you because I think it's super cute but I'm missing one more box! Hope it will come in soon. BTW, you can't buy Lia Sophia jewelry online, you need to either have a Lia Sophia party or go to one. All the info is on their site at

Favorite thing first :{D, "Ahoy Bracelet". I thought this little charm bracelet was sooo cute, and I love anchors. I figured I'd get it because I don't really have many charm bracelets, I need to stock up on some jewelry! It was $46.

This is the "Taj Mahal" ring. I'm obsessed with turquoise and stones right now so I really really liked this ring. It was $44.

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